Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Edvard Munch-"The Scream"

It's Edvard Munch's b-day today, in case anyone was wondering. A dear friend shares his birthday who happens to love this Impressionist.

Everyone's seen this ghoulish painting, but do you see what I see??

A skitzophrenic suffering.

Maybe it's not as simple.

It reminds me of once we were at shall we say an "over educated" friends house. He had invited me and the clan over to get my perception on this painting he had just bought.

I was flattered!

Him and his wife made the whole clan a haute cuisine meal..dusted off a bottle of Chianti..his wife even had dessert baking in the oven. The full on royal treatment. I kept thinking, wow, this painting must be something for them to go through all this work. The anticipation was building!

Anyways, I'll never forget when he whipped off a velvet cover and all I saw...were a bunch of fat brown cows eating grass.

His analogy was how brown cows do hang out with other brown cows. Much deeper than what I saw. I'm lucky he thought it was funny!

What do you see?

I find it fascinating how different us humans see things.

Blog your heart away !


Anonymous said...

I think sometimes people look just a little TOO much into art. :)


Bridgermama said...

I see me on any given day...